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In line with our main goal to render assistance to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the war torn Afghanistan, SAE endeavors to find and weigh options that are technically sound and physically practical for reconstruction efforts.

One of the most effective ways to collect such information is to gather scholars and experts keenly interested in the welfare of the devastated country to present their ideas and offer options that would be useful in reconstruction efforts. These symposiums grow larger every year, and lay the groundwork for much of what SAE will achieve in the future.

SAE’s Conference 2006 will take place in Kabul, Afghanistan during the month of August – September 2006. We encourage all Speakers and Guests to participate in this International gathering of Scholars and contribute to the success of this conference and in the reconstruction process of Afghanistan.

SAE’s Conference 2005 was conducted during the month of December 2005 in the Auditorium of Kabul University.

SAE/SAAE 2005 Conference Proceeding

SAE’s Conference 2004 was conducted during the month of August 2004 in the Auditorium of University of Berkeley, Berkeley, California . 

SAE 2004 Conference Proceeding

SAE’s Conference 2003 was conducted during the month of November 2003 in the Auditorium of Steven Institute of Technology, New Jersey.

SAE 2003 Conference Proceeding

SAE’s Conference 2002 was conducted during the month of December 2002 for the first time in Kabul.

SAE’s Seminar 2001 was taken place on July 28th, 2001 at Afghan Restaurant in Alexandria, VA from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Guest speakers included:

Mr. Tawab Asifi
Former Minister of Mining and Industries
Mr. Juma M. Mohammedi
Former Minister of Water & Power
Mr. S. Eshaq Gouhari
Former Minister of Sub-Urban Developments
Mr. A. Ghafoor
Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture
Mr. S. Aminullah Baha
Former President of Planning in the Planning
Mr. Eshaq Akram
World Bank

Here are summaries from recent SAE sympos

Fourth Annual 1998 Symposium
August 22, 1998.
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia.